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audi a6 c6 2006 diesel 2.0 kontrolki nie gasną

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Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

witam dziś zastałem niemiłą niespodziankę otóż po wczorajszej jeździe jakby nigdy nic zamknąłem autko, gdy dziś chciałem gdzieś podjechać zastałem zapalone kontrolki od abs esp świec, ręcznego i poduszek oraz załączone podświetlenie panelu klimy. Kontrolki nie gasną nawet jak włożę i wyciągnę kluczyk, brak jest tez podświetlenia zegarów oraz brak wskazań licznika oraz prędkościomierza i obrotomierza, brak podświetlenia panelu przy pokrętle do mmi. Autko odpala jeździ normalnie , poziom aku w porządku. Gdzie może leżeć problem? Mam autko od prawie 2 lat i nie było z nim nigdy problemu , mam nadziej ze mroź mu się mu nie dal we znaki bo stał na dworze jak było ok -20 stopni, dziwi mnie tez ze nie mogę się dostać do sterownika instruments (17)

dodam,że bezpieczniki sprawdzone, przy przebiegu nie było nic grzebane na bank, czyżby mój licznik wyzionął ducha?? czy brak masy miałby wpływ na taki stan rzeczy? I proszę moda o nieusuwanie tematu bo jestem w Szwecji autem i nie mam zbyt kogo sie poradzić

oto co wyrzucił vcds



Chassis Type: 4F0

Scan: 01 03 05 07 08 09 0E 15 16 17 19 37 42 46 47 4F 52 53 55 56

61 62 72




00-Steering Angle Sensor -- Status: OK 0000

01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 1010

03-ABS Brakes -- Status: Malfunction 0010

05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: OK 0000

07-Control Head -- Status: Malfunction 0010

08-Auto HVAC -- Status: Malfunction 0010

09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000

0E-Media Player 1 -- Status: Malfunction 0010

15-Airbags -- Status: Malfunction 0010

16-Steering wheel -- Status: Malfunction 0010

17-Instruments -- Status: Cannot be reached 1100

19-CAN Gateway -- Status: Malfunction 0010

25-Immobilizer -- Status: OK 0000

37-Navigation -- Status: OK 0000

42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000

46-Central Conv. -- Status: Malfunction 0010

47-Sound System -- Status: OK 0000

4F-Centr. Electr. II -- Status: Malfunction 0010

52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000

53-Parking Brake -- Status: Malfunction 0010

55-Xenon Range -- Status: OK 0000

56-Radio -- Status: OK 0000

61-Battery Regul. -- Status: Malfunction 0010

62-Door,Rear Left -- Status: Malfunction 0010

72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: Malfunction 0010



Address 01: Engine Labels: 03G-906-016-BLB.lbl

Part No SW: 03G 906 016 HS HW: 028 101 255 7

Component: R4 2,0L EDC 000SG 9673

Revision: --H02--- Serial number:

Coding: 0000072

Shop #: WSC 44245 142 86737


2 Faults Found

005712 - Powertrain Data Bus: Missing Message from Instrument Cluster

P1650 - 000 - -

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 01100000

Fault Priority: 3

Fault Frequency: 3

Mileage: 0 km

Time Indication: 0


Freeze Frame:

RPM: 945 /min

Speed: 0.0 km/h

Load: 0.0 %

Voltage: 13.30 V

Bin. Bits: 00000000

Torque: 170.8 Nm

Torque: 0.0 Nm


053273 - Control Module for Instrument Cluster: Missing Signal for Oil Level/Temperature

U1019 - 000 - -

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 01100000

Fault Priority: 3

Fault Frequency: 3

Mileage: 0 km

Time Indication: 0


Freeze Frame:

RPM: 966 /min

Speed: 0.0 km/h

Load: 0.0 %

Voltage: 13.30 V

Bin. Bits: 00000000

Bin. Bits: 00000000

(no units): 65.0


Readiness: 0 0 1 0 1



Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 4F0-910-517.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 517 K HW: 4F0 614 517 K

Component: ESP 8.0 front H05 0090

Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000000000000

Coding: 0020855

Shop #: WSC 02325 785 00200


3 Faults Found

01317 - Control Module in Instrument Cluster (J285)

004 - No Signal/Communication

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 01100100

Fault Priority: 1

Fault Frequency: 2

Reset counter: 186

Mileage: 0 km

Time Indication: 0


Freeze Frame:

Hex Value: 0x0000

Hex Value: 0x4082

Hex Value: 0x0013

Hex Value: 0x2994

Hex Value: 0x00FF


01314 - Engine Control Module

004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00100100

Fault Priority: 1

Fault Frequency: 1

Reset counter: 226

Mileage: 0 km

Time Indication: 0


Freeze Frame:

Hex Value: 0x0000

Hex Value: 0x0282

Hex Value: 0x0013

Hex Value: 0x859C

Hex Value: 0x00FF


02083 - Message for Delay Request

004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00100100

Fault Priority: 3

Fault Frequency: 1

Reset counter: 226

Mileage: 0 km

Time Indication: 0


Freeze Frame:

Hex Value: 0x0000

Hex Value: 0x0282

Hex Value: 0x002B

Hex Value: 0x059D

Hex Value: 0x00FF




Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. Labels: 4F0-910-852.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 852 HW: 4F0 905 852 B

Component: FBSAUDIC6 ELV H31 0220

Revision: 31050601 Serial number: 10604000362708

Coding: 0000129

Shop #: WSC 44245 142 86737


Part No: 4F0 910 131 D

Component: FBSAUDIC6 EZS H45 0080


Part No: 4F0 910 220 D

Component: FBSAUDIC6 IDG H39 0040


No fault code found.



Address 07: Control Head Labels: 4F0-910-7xx-07-H.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 730 F HW: 4E0 035 729

Component: Interfacebox H43 2120

Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 350BV067655893

Coding: 0001301

Shop #: WSC 44245 142 86737


Part No: 4F0 910 609 E

Component: Bedienteil MMIC6H08 0050


1 Fault Found

01317 - Control Module in Instrument Cluster (J285)

004 - No Signal/Communication

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 01100100

Fault Priority: 5

Fault Frequency: 1


Freeze Frame:

Bin. Bits: 10




Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: 4F0-910-043.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 043 HW: 4F1 820 043 N


Revision: 00000030 Serial number: 00000000238574

Coding: 0000276

Shop #: WSC 02325 785 00200


1 Fault Found

01317 - Control Module in Instrument Cluster (J285)

004 - No Signal/Communication

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 01100100

Fault Priority: 5

Fault Frequency: 1

Reset counter: 186

Mileage: 0 km

Time Indication: 0


Freeze Frame:





Address 09: Cent. Elect. Labels: 4F0-910-279.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 279 D HW: 4F0 907 279

Component: ILM Fahrer H15 0190

Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 4F0907279

Coding: 0002121

Shop #: WSC 02335 785 00200


Part No: 4F1 910 113

Component: Wischer AudiC6 H05 0150

Coding: 00062736

Shop #: WSC 02335


Part No: 4E0 910 557


Coding: 00141886

Shop #: WSC 02335


No fault code found.



Address 0E: Media Player 1 Labels: 4E0-910-111.lbl

Part No SW: 4E0 910 111 F HW: 4E0 035 111 A

Component: CD-Changer H44 0470

Revision: 00000000 Serial number: AUZ5ZBF8066727

Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000


1 Fault Found

02244 - Button in Control Head is Stuck

003 - Mechanical Failure - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00100011

Fault Priority: 7

Fault Frequency: 2

Reset counter: 211

Mileage: 214203 km

Time Indication: 0

Date: 2012.01.14

Time: 08:32:45


Freeze Frame:

Bin. Bits: 00000010




Address 15: Airbags Labels: 4F0-910-655-8R.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 655 E HW: 4F0 959 655 B

Component: 42 AIRBAG AUDI8RH29 0280

Revision: 08H29000 Serial number: 0037LD0D6JPL

Coding: 0013362

Shop #: WSC 02325 785 00200


1 Fault Found

01317 - Control Module in Instrument Cluster (J285)

004 - No Signal/Communication - MIL ON



Address 16: Steering wheel Labels: 4F0-910-549.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 549 HW: 4F0 953 549

Component: Lenksäulenmodul H07 0230

Revision: 00H07000 Serial number: 90026060330053

Coding: 0000012

Shop #: WSC 02323 785 00200


1 Fault Found

01317 - Control Module in Instrument Cluster (J285)

004 - No Signal/Communication

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 01100100

Fault Priority: 4

Fault Frequency: 1

Reset counter: 186

Mileage: 0 km

Time Indication: 0




Address 17: Instruments

Cannot be reached



Address 19: CAN Gateway Labels: 4F0-910-468.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 468 A HW: 4F0 907 468 D

Component: Gateway H11 0070

Revision: 11 Serial number: 130080621982F6

Coding: 6CEE73C41B2104

Shop #: WSC 02334 785 00200


2 Faults Found

01317 - Control Module in Instrument Cluster (J285)

004 - No Signal/Communication

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 01100100

Fault Priority: 2

Fault Frequency: 1

Reset counter: 186


01314 - Engine Control Module

004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00100100

Fault Priority: 2

Fault Frequency: 1

Reset counter: 226




Address 37: Navigation Labels: 4E0-910-88x-37.lbl

Part No SW: 4E0 910 888 P HW: 4E0 919 887 D

Component: MNS ECE H47 1060

Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 364BF067532212

Shop #: WSC 02323 785 00200


No fault code found.



Address 42: Door Elect, Driver Labels: 4F0-910-793-42.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 793 F HW: 4F0 959 793 F

Component: TSG FA H21 0050

Coding: 0001546

Shop #: WSC 02327 785 00200


No fault code found.



Address 46: Central Conv. Labels: 4F0-910-289.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 289 F HW: 4F0 907 289 F

Component: Komfortgeraet H19 0140

Revision: 01400019 Serial number: 01010845390000

Coding: 0131717

Shop #: WSC 02335 785 00200


1 Fault Found

01314 - Engine Control Module

004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00100100

Fault Priority: 3

Fault Frequency: 1

Reset counter: 226

Mileage: 0 km

Time Indication: 0




Address 47: Sound System Labels: 4F0-910-223-AS.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 223 C HW: 4F0 035 223

Component: Amp.-ASK H10 0320

Revision: 34S00001 Serial number: 02602060230237

Coding: 0000102

Shop #: WSC 02335 785 00200


No fault code found.



Address 4F: Centr. Electr. II Labels: 4F0-910-280.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 280 HW: 4F0 907 280

Component: ILM Beifahrer H10 0080

Revision: Serial number: 00000000122007

Coding: 0001004

Shop #: WSC 02323 785 00200


2 Faults Found

01299 - Diagnostic Interface for Data Bus (J533)

004 - No Signal/Communication

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 01100100

Fault Priority: 3

Fault Frequency: 4

Reset counter: 186

Mileage: 0 km

Time Indication: 0


Freeze Frame:

Voltage: 11.700 V

Temperature: -5.0°C


01314 - Engine Control Module

004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00100100

Fault Priority: 3

Fault Frequency: 3

Reset counter: 226

Mileage: 213996 km

Time Indication: 0

Date: 2012.01.13

Time: 17:38:00


Freeze Frame:

Voltage: 12.300 V

Temperature: 20.0°C




Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. Labels: 4F0-910-793-52.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 792 F HW: 4F0 959 792 F

Component: TSG BF H21 0050

Coding: 0001546

Shop #: WSC 02327 785 00200


No fault code found.



Address 53: Parking Brake Labels: 4F0-910-801.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 801 A HW: 4F0 907 801

Component: EPB CA3C0040 H03 0040

Revision: --H03---

Coding: 0000111

Shop #: WSC 02324 785 00200


1 Fault Found

01317 - Control Module in Instrument Cluster (J285)

004 - No Signal/Communication - MIL ON

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 11100100

Fault Priority: 4

Fault Frequency: 8

Reset counter: 186

Time Indication: 0


Freeze Frame:

Voltage: 10.46 V

Count: 240




Address 55: Xenon Range Labels: 8P0-907-357.lbl

Part No: 8P0 907 357 C

Component: Dynamische LWR H01 0010

Revision: 00000000 Serial number:

Coding: 0000003

Shop #: WSC 02325 785 00200


4 Faults Found

01316 - ABS Control Module

004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00100100

Fault Priority: 2

Fault Frequency: 0

Reset counter: 40

Mileage: 1048568 km

Time Indication: 0


01314 - Engine Control Module

008 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00101000

Fault Priority: 2

Fault Frequency: 0

Reset counter: 40

Mileage: 1048568 km

Time Indication: 0


01314 - Engine Control Module

004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00101000

Fault Priority: 2

Fault Frequency: 0

Reset counter: 40

Mileage: 1048568 km

Time Indication: 0


01317 - Control Module in Instrument Cluster (J285)

004 - No Signal/Communication - MIL ON

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 11100100

Fault Priority: 2

Fault Frequency: 1

Reset counter: 0

Mileage: 1048568 km

Time Indication: 0




Address 56: Radio Labels: 4E0-910-541.lbl

Part No SW: 4E0 910 541 L HW: 4F0 035 541 E

Component: TUNER EU/US/RDW H42 0560

Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 352BL067626640

Coding: 0000001

Shop #: WSC 02323 785 00200


No fault code found.



Address 61: Battery Regul. Labels: 4F0-910-181.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 181 E HW: 4F0 915 181 A

Component: J0644 BEM H12 0590

Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000000028171

Shop #: WSC 20998 141 62622


Part No: 4F0 915 105 C

Component: von VA0 2602110220

Coding: 344630393135313035432056413032363032313130323230

Shop #: WSC 00000 384 00290


4 Faults Found

02272 - Quiescent Current Stage 1

000 - - - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00100000

Fault Priority: 7

Fault Frequency: 2

Mileage: 210288 km

Time Indication: 0

Date: 2011.12.19

Time: 07:19:48


02273 - Quiescent Current Stage 2

000 - - - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00100000

Fault Priority: 7

Fault Frequency: 1

Mileage: 212796 km

Time Indication: 0

Date: 2012.01.08

Time: 21:07:47


02256 - Quiescent Current

001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00100001

Fault Priority: 7

Fault Frequency: 1

Reset counter: 226

Mileage: 214550 km

Time Indication: 0

Date: 2012.02.13

Time: 15:49:02


01299 - Diagnostic Interface for Data Bus (J533)

004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 00100100

Fault Priority: 5

Fault Frequency: 1

Reset counter: 226

Mileage: 214550 km

Time Indication: 0

Date: 2012.02.13

Time: 20:12:10




Address 62: Door,Rear Left Labels: 4F0-910-795.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 795 F HW: 4F0 959 795 F

Component: TSG HL H21 0050

Coding: 0001026

Shop #: WSC 02327 785 00200


1 Fault Found

01299 - Diagnostic Interface for Data Bus (J533)

008 - Implausible Signal

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 01101000

Fault Priority: 4

Fault Frequency: 3

Reset counter: 186

Mileage: 0 km

Time Indication: 0




Address 72: Door, Rear Right Labels: 4F0-910-795.lbl

Part No SW: 4F0 910 795 F HW: 4F0 959 794 F

Component: TSG HR H21 0050

Coding: 0001026

Shop #: WSC 02327 785 00200


1 Fault Found

01299 - Diagnostic Interface for Data Bus (J533)

008 - Implausible Signal

Freeze Frame:

Fault Status: 01101000

Fault Priority: 4

Fault Frequency: 3

Reset counter: 186

Mileage: 0 km

Time Indication: 0



End --------------------------------------------------------------------


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005712 - Powertrain Data Bus: Missing Message from Instrument Cluster

Liczniki szlag trafił?

Wygląda mi to na brak komunikacji na CAN.


Popatrz na resztę błędów - praktycznie wszystkie odwołują się do

Control Module in Instrument Cluster


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Ewentualnie ześwirował i może by mu na noc zrzucić klemę z aku?


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